eSpiritual: Relieve stress by changing the interpretation


Dr KK Aggarwal    16 December 2017

Stress is the reaction of the body or the mind to the interpretation of a known situation. Stress management, therefore, involves either changing the situation, changing the interpretation or taming the body the yogic way in such a way that stress does not affect the body. Every situation has two sides. Change of interpretation means looking at the other side of the situation. It is something like half glass of water, which can be interpreted either as half empty or half full. Studies have shown that anger, hostility and aggression are the new risk factors for heart disease. It has been shown that even recall of anger can precipitate a heart attack. Many studies have shown that when doctors talk positive in front of unconscious patients in ICU, their outcome is better than those if doctors talk negative. The best way to practice spiritual medicine is to experience silence in the thoughts, speech and action. Simply walking in the nature with silence in the mind and experiencing the sounds of nature can be as effective as 20 minutes of meditation. Twenty minutes of meditation provides the same physiological parameters as that of 7 hours of deep sleep.

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in this write up are my own).

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