Alloveda Liver Update: Association of liver biochemical abnormalities and Turner syndrome in adolescents


eMediNexus    01 September 2020


It has been observed that elevated liver function tests (LFTs) is a common finding in adult patients with Turner syndrome (TS). However, these data are lacking in children and adolescents.


Wójcik and investigators conducted a trial to examine the occurrence of abnormal LFTs in children and adolescents with TS. They also assessed the effects of increased body mass index (BMI) and sex hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on LFTs.


The study enroled 100 adolescent girls with TS who were receiving recombinant human growth hormone therapy. Among the total adolescents treated with HRT, increased LFTs were found in 34% of the patients. However, no higher relative risk of increased LFTs was found in obese in contrast to normal weight adolescents. Moreover, LFT frequency remained static in the subsequent years of follow-up.


Thus, elevated LFTs are prevalent in children and adolescents with TS. Moreover, obesity and HRT do not augment the risk of elevated LFTs.

Source: Wójcik M, Ruszała A, Januś D, Starzyk JB. Liver Biochemical Abnormalities in Adolescent Patients with Turner Syndrome. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2019;11(4):395-399.

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