Increased glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) production after endoscopic gastrointestinal bypass.


eMediNexus    19 December 2017

A new study published in Endoscopy evaluated the safety and efficacy of endoscopic gastrointestinal (GI) anastomosis (EGIA) using a lumen-apposing stent to secure the anastomosis. The findings revealed that EGIA was technically successful with no complications observed during clinical monitoring. Endoscopic and postmortem examinations during the second part of study elicited a secure anastomosis between the stomach and the intestinal limb in all, except one minipig. Both minipigs subjected to EGIA and those in the control group (OGIA) exhibited increased postprandial glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) production (incretin secretion) and impaired D-xylose absorption (malabsorption effect). Hence, it was inferred that performing EGIA with this dedicated stent seemed safe, technically feasible, durable, and reproducible in providing a simple and effective endoscopic GI bypass capable of ensuring metabolic effect.

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