Prolonged Prophylaxis Prevents HIV Transmission During Breastfeeding


eMediNexus    27 December 2017

Both maternal antiretroviral therapy (mART) and prolonged infant nevirapine prophylaxis (iNVP) safely help to prevent breastfeeding mothers from passing HIV-1 to their infants, suggest long-term data from the PROMISE trial published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Mother-child pairs were enrolled 6 to 14 days postpartum and randomly assigned to receive mART or iNVP. Treatment continued for up to 18 months after delivery. Seven infants in each study arm became infected with HIV (<0.6% in both groups). HIV-free survival at 24 months was 97.1% with mART and 97.7% with iNVP.

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