Accurate Measurement of BP is the Key to Control HT


Dr BA Muruganathan, Tamil Nadu    06 January 2018

  1. Periodic measurement, documentation and follow-up are necessary.
  2. BP apparatus used for measuring BP should be validated.
  3. Recent guidelines recommend HBPM as a routine component of BP measurement in most patients with suspected or known HT.
  4. HBPM is well-coordinated with organ damage as is the ambulatory BP.
  5. While ABPM is the current gold standard in the correct diagnosis of HT and/or borderline HT, HBPM should now be considered as an alternative and not complementary, to ABPM for decision making in HT management.
  6. Doctors must check the BP and whenever required standing BP must be taken and the timing of BP measurement in concordance with medicine to be taken.

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