Urine volatile organic compounds as biomarkers for minimal change type nephrotic syndrome.


eMediNexus    08 January 2018

The goal of a new study published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications was to investigate potential biomarkers between minimal change type nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) and normal. This study entailed collection of urinary samples of 38 minimal change type nephrotic syndrome patients and 15 healthy controls. The results revealed 6 specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) biomarkers at abnormal levels, in the urine of MCNS patients. These VOCs included trans-2,2-dimethyl-4-decene, pyrrole, carbamic acid, monoammonium salt, 1-butyne, 3,3-dimethyl-, diisopropylamine, and 4-heptanone. From the findings, it was speculated that these biomarkers may be useful as a new diagnostic method and for monitoring the prognosis for MCNS patients.

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