Safety and efficacy of polyethylene glycol plus electrolytes for the treatment of functional constipation.


eMediNexus    09 January 2018

A study published in Anales de Pediatria evaluated the safety; renal, malabsorption or excessive production of gas, and efficacy of PEG+E treatment in the pediatric population. This study evaluated 15 children with functional constipation (according to the Rome III criteria). The mean age of these patients were 6.2 years, all of whom had normal renal functions. These patients received PEG+E for 4 weeks (4WP), with a mean dose of 0.44 g/kg/day. It was found that the number of stools per week was higher after 4 weeks of therapy, and so was the stool form score. In addition, no statistical differences were detected between urine sodium and urine osmolality values at the beginning and after 4WP. Furthermore, post 4WP, the NIRA (near-infrared reflectance analysis) median values were normal in all patients. Meanwhile, median breath hydrogen test was 7 ppm. Since no adverse effects on biochemistry values or gastrointestinal disturbances were observed, it was stated that PEG+E can be recommended for the treatment of functional constipation in children.

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