Vitamin E in Atopic Dermatitis: From Preclinical to Clinical Studies


eMediNexus    20 August 2021

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is known to be a result of Oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation. The effective pharmacotherapeutic approaches come with some adverse effects. 

“Vitamin E” is a communal term for tocopherols (TP) and tocotrienols (T3), which mostly fluctuate in their aliphatic tail. T3 has been revealed to display a superior antioxidant effect as compared to TP due to its unsaturated and isoprenoid side chain. Apart from its antioxidant activity, vitamin E is able to conquer inflammation and upregulate gene expression of keratinocyte differentiation markers, signifying its potential as a therapeutic agent against AD.

Thus, vitamin E may decrease the symptoms of AD by suppressing OS, inflammation and preventing further deterioration of the skin barrier function by restoring the water-retaining capacity of the SC. 

Lee et al. described the relationship between α-TP and serum IgE levels in Korean children with AD (age 0 to 24 months) as a strong negative association between serum α-TP and IgE levels.

Hoppu et al. found vitamin E intake by atopic mothers during pregnancy were negatively associated with childhood AD. Thus they suggested that maternal dietary antioxidant intake during pregnancy may reduce the risk of the child developing childhood AD. 

Thus from the existing studies, it can be concluded that there exists a positive relationship between vitamin E and skin health, and vitamin E is a promising adjunctive for the treatment of AD and other skin disorders caused due to OS and inflammation. 

Vitamin E holds potential as an adjunctive treatment for AD and other skin disorders stemming from OS and inflammation. Topical application of vitamin E is demonstrated to be safe in humans.


Teo C, W, L, Tay S, H, Y, Tey H, L, Ung Y, W, Yap W, N: Vitamin E in Atopic Dermatitis: From Preclinical to Clinical Studies. Dermatology 2021;237:553-564. doi: 10.1159/000510653

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