Nutrition for Health and Happiness


Dr Elizabeth KE, Thiruvananthapuram    16 January 2018

Ensure normal birth weight, focus on adolescent and prenatal nutrition.

The 10 Commandments:

  1. Record 1st feed in every baby and initiate breastfeeding soon after birth.
  2. Ensure exclusive breastfeeding during first 6 months.
  3. Practice responsive complementary feeding in a media free zone and time, starting at 6 months of age.
  4. Continue breastfeeding till 2 years of age, along with a balanced diet.
  5. Popularize rainbow revolution for ensuring balanced diet and plate method for healthy eating.
  6. Address micronutrients, fiber and type 2 nutrients for optimum growth.
  7. Ensure breakfast for all - the Brain’s food.
  8. Tackle overweight and obesity by promoting healthy eating, enough exercise and sleep and reducing screen time.
  9. Practice growth monitoring and evaluate by the ABCDEF approach (Ensure minimum 1 kg weight gain by 6 weeks of age, doubling of BW by 41/2 months and tripling by 9-month completion).

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