Heartfelt Gratitude


Dr Vasant Khalatkar, Chief Org. Chairperson    17 January 2018

Every single moment that happens, happens once in a lifetime - I believe in it. This has to be the once in a lifetime God’s glory can be seen in many different aspects of his creations and perhaps the most beautiful of his creations are our children. Pediatricians have been phenomenal since ages, safeguarding the health and happiness of these children.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I thank you all for your presence at the 55th PEDICON 2018 in the land of oranges Nagpur, the Heart of India. The day when the bid to PEDICON 2018 in Nagpur was won, was a memorable day in the book of my life. Like preconceptional planning, I have been planning and visualizing to organize PEDICON in Nagpur. I was hunting for a big and modern place in Nagpur to deliver PEDICON. As if my prayer was heard and Suresh Bhat Sabhagraha came into existence. This beautiful monument has become the venue to deliver my dream baby, PEDICON 2018. I thank Nitinji for giving Nagpur this beautiful gift. This magnanimous event has been possible because of the help extended to me by my fellow Nagpur IAPians along with the guidance from Central IAP from time to time. I am sure that through PEDICON 2018, we have been able to spread knowledge, update our academic skills, create new horizons, develop relationships, uplift the needy, create business and awareness for developing IAP, child health and our country at large. PEDICON 2018 will definitely add to attain “Sustainable Development Goal 2030” in its infancy.

From the bottom of my heart, I am thankful to all IAP members who reposed faith in me and shouldered me this responsibility to become the Organizing Chairperson of PEDICON 2018. This opportunity has added a silver shine to my life as I have made a galaxy of friends, learnt administrative and leadership skills, which will make my future bright and easy. Ever since we started thinking about hosting a national conference here, we had sleepless nights but rather this insomnia was pleasant and encouraging. It created a perfect bond among us which will take us a long way as a unit. It wasn’t an easy task as it appears to be now. Arranging such a mega event in a comparatively smaller town was a daunting task, and challenging too. Logistics had changed many times because of the extensive developmental work going on in Nagpur. And the unexpected riots which emerged! Inconvenience caused by it is regretted. The only code of conduct assigned to our team PEDICON was better academics and unmatched hospitality, which has been religiously followed by my fellow colleagues who made this conference what it is seen as today. We believe in Atithi Devo Bhav!! And as a host, we have strived to provide those little extras that make a big difference. We have tried to anticipate your needs and exceed your expectations.

We invited prominent national and international speakers to share their knowledge and experiences in the field of child health with the theme “Priority 2018: Healthy New Born - Happy Teen.” The conference highlighted current issues, challenges, trends, research, guidelines and experience sharing opportunities in pediatrics and neonatal care. At this moment I express gratitude to my teachers, family and friends.

Once again, I thank all the delegates for attending this special event.

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