Digital Health Education


Ms S Geetha Rao, Bengaluru    31 January 2018

ill health and growing constraints on budgets. The use of digital communication tools has also allowed for greater patient engagement, which means more individuals are focused on improving their health and wellness, such as sticking to a healthy recommended diet, continuing exercise routines and adhering to their medication schedule along with follow-up appointments. The challenges of mHealth solutions include the practicalities of data storage and management, availability and maintenance of the network, as well as compatibility and interoperability. One of the greatest opportunities of the 21st century is our ambition towards health and care system that enables people to make healthier choices, to be more resilient, to deal more effectively with illness and disability when it arises, and to have happier, longer lives in old age; a health and care system where technology can help tackle inequalities and improve access to services for the vulnerable.

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