GAVI chief suggests it's too early to call an end the COVID-19 emergency phase


eMediNexus    13 December 2022

Considering that the COVID-19 pandemic could yet worsen, the chairman of the GAVI global vaccination alliance suggested on Monday that it was too early to declare the emergency over.


The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) is a part of the COVAX facility, which has given over 1.9 billion doses to 146 nations.


Every few months, a World Health Organization (WHO) committee meets to determine whether the new coronavirus still qualifies as a "public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC)."GAVIs Seth Berkley stated that the emergency "may get worse" and added that it was a difficult time to put a stop to it. He declared, "We′re done with the virus, but the virus is not done with us." 


At the same press conference, Berkley predicted that in 2023, demand for COVID-19 vaccinations would remain high. Approximately half of the receiving countries have responded to a GAVI official′s request for information about their needs for the upcoming year.


Some nations have turned to discarding once-valuable shots due to the decline in demand for COVID-19 vaccines. COVAX wastage, according to Berkley, has only been 3%, and earlier this year, GAVI was able to renegotiate contracts with manufacturers to meet the decline in demand.


(Source: https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/too-soon-to-call-end-to-covid-19-emergency-gavi-chief-says/96189279)

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