Kanpur health department to observe 'Nikshay Diwas' on 15th of every month


eMediNexus    15 December 2022

To eradicate tuberculosis (TB) from India by 2025, the health department of Kanpur would observe "Nikshay Diwas" at all health centres in the district on the 15th of every month and help identifying TB patients earlier.


A strategy for observing "Nikshay Diwas" at the district hospital, Community Health Centers (CHCs) in urban areas, and Primary Health Centers (PHCs) and Health and Wellness Centers in rural areas was discussed during a meeting conducted on Tuesday and was presided over by district TB officer AP Mishra.


The district TB officer stated that in order to support the "TB-free India campaign," it is critical to identify individuals who may have tuberculosis and arrange for a medical examination. He instructed the officers to gather the mucus of the 10% of patients who visited the OPD and suffered from TB symptoms such a cough, fever, or continuous weight loss for more than two weeks before conducting an investigation at all health centres on "Nikshay Day".


The district coordinator Rajiv Saxena said that there would be designated locations in the open area where sputum will be examined to detect patients with TB and they should also be well informed about the signs and treatment of tuberculosis. The information of tuberculosis patients should be updated on the Nikshay portal, and a list of the family members of a probable tuberculosis patient should be made. Further, the active patients should have a drug sensitivity test done. He also stated that those TB patients who had discontinued their treatment in the middle of it would be identified so that their new therapy could be restarted.


(Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kanpur/nikshay-diwas-to-be-observed-on-15th-day-of-every-month/articleshow/96240428.cms)

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