Antibiotics That Work Against Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria


eMediNexus    21 December 2022

A study published in the journal Nature Communications detailed the development of a highly effective antibacterial compound that is effective against the most common multidrug-resistant bacteria. A team of researchers from Hokkaido University found that a class of antibacterial compounds called sphaerimicins was able to block the protein function in the bacteria.


The compound blocked a protein called MRaY, which is essential for the replication of bacteria. This protein also plays a role in the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall. The researchers used molecular modeling and calculation to analyze the structures of sphaerimicin A, revealing that sphaerimicins have a very complex structure. They also designed and synthesized two analogs of sphaerimicin, SPM1, and SPM2, which were found to be effective against gram-positive bacteria.


Additionally, they analyzed the structure of SPM1 bound to MraY. When they compared this structure with other antibacterial agents, they found another way to simplify the structure of analogs and came up with SPM3, whose activity was similar to that of SPM1. On testing the analogs, the researchers found that along with their effectiveness against MRSA and VRE, the SPMs were also effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 


(Source: https://theprint.in/health/researchers-suggest-antibiotic-that-works-against-multidrug-resistant-bacteria/1273932/ )

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