PTSD Experience Enhanced by a New Wearable Device


eMediNexus    31 December 2022

Researchers have developed a wristwatch-like wearable device called Bio Ware to enhance the effects of prolonged exposure therapy, which is used to treat patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The device was developed and tested by researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina Health and Zeriscope, a medical device company.


According to a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, BioWare includes a discreet button-shaped camera attached to the patients clothing, a watch-sized tool to be placed around the patient’s wrist, and Bluetooth headphones. The device is linked to another piece that allows the therapist to virtually accompany them in a stressful experience or situation.


The research team tested the device on service members at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, US Department of Veterans Affairs. As a part of their homework, the patients were tasked with putting themselves in safe but uncomfortable or triggering situations outside of their therapy sessions.


When the patients were put in a triggering situation, it was found that the device provided instant access to the patient’s physiological data, which in turn resulted in a significant reduction in their PTSD symptoms. The therapists revealed that they observed a significant decrease in both PTSD and depression symptoms in their patients who used the new technology.


(Source: https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/health/new-wearable-device-may-enhance-ptsd-treatment-experience-study-465594 )

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