CNS Update: Preventive Role of Pregabalin in PMPS


eMediNexus    04 January 2023

Chronic postmastectomy pain syndrome (PMPS) negatively impacts the quality of life of breast cancer patients.


The present study assessed the possible preventive role of perioperative Pregabalin in PMPS.


The study included 200 patients with breast cancer scheduled for elective breast cancer surgery; and randomized them into one of two treatment groups: The pregabalin group (75 mg of Pregabalin twice daily for seven days) and the control group (oral equivalent placebo capsules). It looked for the development of neuropathic PMPS. 


The study assessed Neuropathic pain using the Grading System for Neuropathic Pain and measured safety and Visual Analogue Scale scores.


It found significantly less frequent Neuropathic pain in the pregabalin group compared to the control group at four weeks, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks postoperatively. It diagnosed 11% of patients in the pregabalin group and 29% of patients in the control group with PMPS. Visual Analogue Scale scores were comparable in both groups during the first three postoperative weeks, while they were markedly lower in the pregabalin group at 4, 12, and 24 weeks. The two groups showed a comparable frequency of adverse events.


This study shows that Perioperative oral Pregabalin 75 mg twice daily, starting on the morning of surgery and continued for one week, reduces the frequency of postmastectomy pain syndrome.


Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2019;57(1): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2018.10.496.

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