Coffee Can Reduce the Severity of Fatty Liver Disease in Diabetic Individual


eMediNexus    13 January 2023

According to a new study, the caffeine in coffee can help reduce the severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among overweight people with type 2 diabetes. This study was conducted by researchers from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. The term "NAFLD" refers to a group of liver conditions brought on by an accumulation of fat in the liver. This accumulation leads to liver fibrosis, which may further progress to cirrhosis (liver scarring) and liver cancer.


NAFLD is primarily caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and a high-calorie diet, not by excessive alcohol intake. The lead author of the study stated that his team observed that increased accumulation of both caffeine and non-caffeine metabolites in urine was associated with reduced severity of NAFLD in overweight people with diabetes.


In the study, participants who consumed more coffee had healthier livers. It was seen that subjects who consumed more caffeine were less likely to develop liver fibrosis, whereas patients who consumed more non-caffeine coffee components had a lower fatty liver index score. 


Additionally, the study cited that other coffee components, including polyphenols, reduce oxidative stress in the liver. This helped in reducing the risk of fibrosis as well as improving glucose homeostasis in both healthy and overweight subjects.


The researchers added that all these factors can also help in alleviating the severity of T2D. 


(Source: https://www.daijiworld.com/news/newsDisplay?newsID=1039145)

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