Anti-vaccine misinformation hampers the conversation about genuine vaccine injuries


PTI    16 January 2023

On January 11, Mr. Andrew Bridgen, a Member of Parliament, was suspended from the conservative party for spreading misinformation about the COVID vaccine and making false claims about its safety. The party stated that the COVID vaccines have been found to be safe and more than 13 billion doses have been administered to date.


They stated that, in rare cases, vaccines can be linked to serious injuries or other adverse events. However, the anti-vaccine communities are disavowing genuine vaccine injuries by constantly trying to spread misinformation and abuse. They added that the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency in the UK are keeping track of all the serious adverse occurrences. According to the ONS, there had been one fatality in Wales and 50 fatalities in England with a COVID vaccination as the primary reason as of November 2022.


Several studies have also shown that the risk of myocarditis is slightly elevated in young males after the mRNA vaccines. These cases are usually mild, and patients recover well. However, the scientific evidence shows that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh all the risks.

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