Public & Private Collaboration important to Improve Organ Donation Landscape


eMediNexus    20 January 2023

Globally, India has one of the lowest rates of organ donation. According to National Transplant and Tissue Transplant Organization data, 500,000 individuals die on average each year while awaiting a life-saving organ. These sobering figures necessitate the creation of a huge national push to demystify the idea of organ donation and encourage more individuals to make organ donation pledges.


Numerous government-led efforts have produced noticeable outcomes. Improvements in infrastructure and the requirement for efficient logistics may help to bring a change in the organ donation scenario. A comparable measure might bring about an essential change in mindset, ignite a significant wave of acceptability for organ donation, and increase the number of organ donors in the nation.


Infrastructural improvement:  In order to preserve organs for a longer period of time, many hospitals and NGOs in India are attempting to establish a centralized system. Both government and private institutions place a strong focus on airlifting and green corridors. However, there is a desperate need for medical specialists who can facilitate organ donation in smaller or non-metropolitan areas. Government and private parties must collaborate in these areas to make the process accessible and inexpensive for the patients.


Need for seamless logistics: Organs cannot be kept for a long period of time. Hence the logistics of the transplant ecosystem must move quickly. Simply said, donating an organ is laborious and time-consuming, from identification and retrieval to transport and transplant. It is a rather complicated process that involves dealing with medical issues. It necessitates effective cooperation between many parties, including the legal system, families, hospitals, and government agencies. To streamline the entire process and guarantee that all logistical support is given in time to save a life, there is a need for a central repository and a multifunction process.


The organ donation ecosystem continues to be hampered by cultural and religious concerns and a need for understanding of the total procedure. Significant adjustments are needed to enhance the ecosystem further and work together to increase organ donation acceptability and save lives.


(Source: https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/why-public-private-collaboration-is-critical-to-improve-organ-donation-landscape/97156439)

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