Cases to Be Treated As Medicolegal


eMediNexus    26 January 2023

There are some cases which are already known, fall under the category of a medicolegal case and should be dealt as one. These include:


  • Cases of burns and injuries where the circumstances indicate an offense by somebody.
  • Cases of vehicular, factory, or other unnatural accidents, particularly when there are chances of the patients death or grievous hurt.
  • Cases of suspected or obvious sexual assault.
  • Cases of suspected or apparent criminal abortion.
  • Cases of unconsciousness where the cause is unnatural or ambiguous.
  • Cases of suspected or obvious poisoning or intoxication.
  • Cases referred from court or otherwise for estimation of age estimation.
  • Cases brought dead with erroneous history that raises suspicion of an offense.
  • Cases of attempted suicide or self-infliction of injuries.
  • Cases not falling under the above categories but having legal implications.

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