Good Medical Practice


eMediNexus    31 January 2023

Good medical practice involves:


Justifiable and defendable practice; staying within the limits of your own expertize.

Keeping abreast with the latest in your field and conducting audits.

Assuring that the administration is effective.

Effective communication with patients and their families.

Effective communication with colleagues.

Appropriate medical record keeping with all key facts about the patient.


There are cases where individual claims are considered unjustifiable on several grounds. There may be the possibility of a clinical error. Often, the line that divides negligent and nonnegligent care is very fine. Additionally, cases of clinical negligence are won on the basis of evidence, not facts. If the notes are not appropriate and updated, the records are lost, or the memory fails the clinician, it becomes very difficult to invalidate the claimant’s case. As a result, even defensible cases are lost because of lack of evidence. A medical professional should thus practice in a manner that is defendable. 


Your administration needs to be very effective. All the basic systems should be in place pertaining to patient referrals, follow-ups, clinical records, clinical correspondence, review of test results and appropriate actions on abnormalities. 

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