High Vitamin D dose decreases risk of type 2 diabetes in prediabetic adults


eMediNexus    11 February 2023

A systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that persons with prediabetes might have a 15% lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes if they consume more vitamin D supplements.


Researchers compared the effects of vitamin D supplements on diabetes risk using data from three clinical trials in a systematic review and meta-analysis. The three vitamin D and diabetes prevention trials′ primary data were merged in the individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis. 4,190 individuals were included in the meta-analysis. Vitamin D or a placebo was given to participants at random.


The researchers searched for trials with adult participants who took 4,000 IU of vitamin D supplements and had a three-year follow-up. 2,097 volunteers received vitamin D pills, while 2,093 received a placebo.


In each of the three trials, the group receiving vitamin D had a lower chance of developing diabetes than the group receiving a placebo. The authors found a 15% relative risk decrease throughout a three-year follow-up period. They observed that diabetes developed in 22.7% of adults who took vitamin D and in 25% of adults who received a placebo.


The study also showed that a 30% greater chance of returning to normal glucose regulation was associated with vitamin D. No risk was demonstrated. Vitamin D intake should be done under health care supervision and in safe limits.


Thus the study concluded that low blood levels of vitamin D enhanced the chances of diabetes development. At the same time, sufficient Vitamin D significantly lowers the risk of diabetes in adults with prediabetes.


(Source: https://theprint.in/health/high-dose-of-vitamin-d-may-reduce-risk-of-type-2-diabetes-in-adults-with-prediabetes-study-says/1363767/)

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