Study Reveals that there is No 'Male Disadvantage' When it Comes to Covid-Heart Disease


eMediNexus    15 February 2023

According to a study published in the journal BMJ Medicine, pre-existing cardiovascular illness cannot fully account for the so-called "male disadvantage" in the severity of COVID-19 because other factors also affect how severe the heart disease is.


Although COVID-19 is a severe respiratory disease, some patients have also suffered from cardiovascular issues such as an abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia), a lack of blood flow to the brain (stroke), and heart failure. Several studies and data showed that men faced worse outcomes from COVID-19 in comparison to women. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether sex differences in COVID-19 severity were explained by the higher prevalence of pre-existing cardiovascular disease in men.


In the study, the researchers analysed 11,167 patients who were hospitalised with COVID-19 between May 2020 and May 2021 across 13 countries. The findings of the study showed that 13 women and 17 men out of every 100 women and men developed some form of cardiovascular complication during their hospitalisation. The team found that the overall risk was 30% higher in women in comparison to men. They also found that arrhythmia was the most common cardiovascular complication. It was seen in 5 women and 8 men in every 100 women and men, respectively.


The researchers discovered that there were clear disparities between the sexes in the risks of cardiovascular problems, regardless of whether individuals had pre-existing cardiovascular disease. They explained that the findings indicate the vital relevance of taking into account sex and gender differences across all facets of human health in addition to having implications for our general understanding of sex differences in health and disease. 


(Source: https://www.daijiworld.com/news/newsDisplay?newsID=1050111)

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