New Strain of Virus that Can Eliminate Resistant Bacteria Discovered By Researchers


eMediNexus    19 February 2023

According to a new study, researchers were shocked to find previously undiscovered virus species in a Danish creek. The researchers found five new species at the creek. Dr. Clare Kirkpatrick, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Southern Denmark, stated that viruses exist in nature, which is not surprising as they are the world`s most widespread organism.


She added that one of these five species has now been fully sequenced, scientifically described, identified, and published in Microbiology Resource Announcements. It is called Fyn8. Fyn8 is a typical example of a virus that kills bacteria, known as a bacteriophage (or phage).


In the study, the team observed that Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria can be attacked and eliminated by it. Although it usually poses little threat to healthy individuals, like many other bacteria, it can become resistant to medications and is common in hospitals.


The research team observed holes in the petri dish as Fyn8 attacked the bacteria, killed them, reproduced, and then moved on to attack the next bacterial colony of Pseudomonas aeruginosa


(Source: https://theprint.in/health/newly-discovered-virus-has-ability-to-kill-resistant-bacteria/1380456/ )

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