Study Reveals that 9 Million Elderly Indians Suffer from Dementia


eMediNexus    20 February 2023

According to a survey conducted across India, dementia affects 8.8 million people aged 60 and up, or 7.4% of the country′s elderly population. Dementia is a crippling condition that impairs memory and cognitive function.


The survey′s findings highlighted the urgent need for better care and support for people living with dementia, whose number was discovered to be far greater than the previously estimated 3.7 million. The survey showed that Jammu and Kashmir had the highest national dementia prevalence, at 11%. Even though the majority of the samples were taken in Kashmir, experts believe that there is still a need for a more thorough investigation to determine whether the decades-long political unrest has played any part in the increased prevalence of dementia.


Additionally, Maharashtra was found to be one of 11 states with a higher prevalence of dementia in comparison to the national average. Researchers predicted that by 2036, the number of people living with the illness in the state would increase from just under a million to 1.8 million and reach a prevalence of 7.6%.


The study′s findings also revealed that dementia affected women more frequently (9%) than men (5.8%). The survey also showed that lower education was associated with a greater risk of dementia, as 10%, 4.5%, and 1.5% of people with no education, primary education, and those who have completed secondary education, respectively, were diagnosed with dementia.


Moreover, it was observed that the prevalence of dementia was higher in rural areas in comparison to urban regions (8.4% vs. 5.3%). This finding highlighted the urgent need to increase diagnostic facilities in rural health facilities. 


(Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/9-million-elderly-indians-have-dementia-study/articleshow/98072932.cms )

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