Defining Tip-Frenulum Length for Ankyloglossia and Its Impact on Breastfeeding.


eMediNexus    25 May 2018

A new study published in Breastfeeding Medicine investigated the normal lingual frenulum anatomy in newborns and analyzed tip-frenulum distance as an objective diagnostic tool for identifying newborns at risk for anterior and posterior tongue-tie and breastfeeding difficulty.The results showed that the mean tip-frenulum length was 9.07 mm. A visible cord was identified in 21% subjects while a palpable cord was identified in 59% subjects. Visible cord and shorter tip-frenulum distance were independently predictive of higher maternal pain scores (due to breastfeeding). In addition, a positive correlation was identified between tip-frenulum length and Infant Breastfeeding Assessment Tool (IBFAT) scores for mothers with two or more previous breastfed children. Therefore, it was concluded that tongue tip-frenulum length correlated with maternal nipple pain, and was useful as an objective tool for identifying newborns at risk for ankyloglossia. From the findings, it was stated that maternal breastfeeding experience is an important factor in the link between tongue anatomy and breastfeeding difficulty.

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