eSpiritual: Do unto yourselves what you do to God


Dr KK Aggarwal    03 June 2018

There are two types of people who believe in Dvaita or Advaita philosophy.2. People who believe in Dvaita philosophy, for them God and human being are different.3. The people who believe in Advaita philosophy believe that God is within them.4. In Hinduism, the first group believes in Sanatan Dharma and does Moorti pooja (idol worship) and the second Arya Samaj, which does not believe in Moorti pooja.5. In both situations, medically the message is one.6. If God is different than you, then you try to be like Him and if God is in within you, then you are Him.7. In both situations, we should deal with our body the same way as we deal with God.8. Anything which is not offered to God should not be offered to our body such as cigarettes, drugs etc. or such things should be consumed in less quantity (onion, garlic, radish etc.).9. We never worship God with hydrogenated oil; we always worship him either with oil or with Desi Ghee. The message is we should not consume trans fats.10. "Bhagwan ko bhog lagate hain"; we never feed God. The message is eat less.11. Amongst all Gods, only Lord Shiva is said to consume Bhang and Alcohol that too only in his incarnation of Bhairon, which indicates that both alcohol and bhang can be consumed in some quantity only in special situations meaning that they cannot be consumed without medical supervision.12. Anything grown under the ground is not offered to God, thus, these items should not be eaten or eaten in moderation.13. We never offer white salt and white rice to God. They are also bad for human beings.14. Gur, shakkar, brown rice and puffed rice are offered to God. They can be consumed by human beings.

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in this write up are my own).

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