Some tips to prevent urinary infections from HCFI


Dr KK Aggarwal    30 June 2018

  1. Pass urine immediately after a sexual intercourse. Apart from this, keep a check on the kind of underwear you use.
  2. Maintain proper personal hygiene after urinating or defecating. Consult a doctor immediately in case of any recurrent symptoms.
  3. Drinking cranberry juice has been thought to help decrease frequent infections. This is particularly true for women. Cranberries are known to contain substances that can prevent infection-causing bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract walls.
  4. Make sure you are adequately hydrated and drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water a day.
  5. Choose lubricated condoms that do not contain spermicide. Spermicide can cause irritation and allow the bacteria to grow.

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Causes of UTI 

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