Short-Term Vitamin D3 Supplementation in Children with Neurodisabilities.


eMediNexus    18 September 2017

A new study published in Hormone Research in Paediatrics compared the efficacy of vitamin D3 buccal spray to that of oral drops. In this randomized trial, children in the age-group of 5-17 years with neuro-disabilities and vitamin D deficiency (25(OH)D ≤20 ng/mL) were administered either vitamin D3 buccal spray 800 IU/daily or oral drops 750 IU/daily, for 3 months during winter. It was observed that both the study groups exhibited a significant elevation in 25(OH)D levels. While the differences between baseline and final parathyroid hormone measurements were marginal in both the groups. Additionally, minor changes were noted in the markers of bone formation and resorption in both the groups. Furthermore, satisfaction with the formulation was significantly higher among patients using vitamin D3 buccal spray. Thus, it was concluded that Vitamin D3 supplementation with buccal spray and oral drops are equally effective in short-term treatment of vitamin D deficiency in children with neuro-disabilities. Yet, buccal spray was found to be more acceptable by the patients.

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