Effects of sodium nitrite on renal function and blood pressure in hypertensive and healthy subjects.


eMediNexus    30 October 2017

A new article published in the Journal of Hypertension aimed to determine the effects of sodium nitrite NaNO2 on blood pressure BP and renal sodium and water regulation in patients with essential hypertension EHT compared with healthy control study participants CON . In this placebo controlled crossover study 240 8202 956 g NaNO2 kg h or isotonic saline were infused for 2 8202 hours in 14 EHT and 14 CON. It was observed that placebo adjusted brachial systolic BP SBP decreasedby 18 8202 mmHg during NaNO2 infusion in EHT and by12 8202 mmHg in CON. Whereas brachial diastolic BP DBP and central SBP decreased equally in both groups during NaNO2. On the other hand in EHT a decrease inurinary excretion rate of 947 subunit of theepithelial sodium channel U ENaC 947 during NaNO2 infusionwas observed. Furthermore a decrease in fractional sodium excretion free water clearance and aquaporin 2 U AQP2 during NaNO2 infusion was observed in both the groups. It was stated that this study demonstrated an augmented BP lowering effect of NaNO2 in patients with EHT. Anti natriuretic and antidiuretic effect of NaNO2 were noted in both groups whereas a decrease in U ENaC 947 was found solely in EHT. While a non vasopressin mediated decrease in U AQP2 found in both groups was speculated to be compensatory to the decline in diuresis.

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