eWellness: Tips to reduce the chances of SIDS in babies


Dr KK Aggarwal    01 November 2017

Get early and regular prenatal care. Place the baby on a firm mattress to sleep on not on other surfaces. Cover the mattress with a fitted sheet. Keep soft objects and loose bedding out of the sleep area. Avoid bumper pads as they can lead to suffocation or strangulation. Practice room sharing without bed sharing. Experts recommend that infants sleep in their parents room but on a separate surface at least for 6 months when the risk of SIDS is highest. Breastfeed exclusively as far as possible for the first six months. Make sure the baby does not get too warm while sleeping. Dress them as per the room temperature and don t over bundle. Don t smoke during pregnancy or after birth. Smoking both active and secondhand is a risk factor for SIDS. Do not use alcohol or drugs during pregnancy or after birth. Parents who drink or use drugs should not share a bed with their infant. Ensure that the baby gets all recommended immunizations.

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