The levels of adipokines and hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle in normal weight women.


eMediNexus    02 November 2017

A new study published in Endocrine Connections aimed to assess plasma leptin adiponectin resistin visfatin Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase NAMPT omentin 1 vaspin apelin tumor necrosis factor TNF 945 Interleukin IL 6 and Retinol Binding Protein 4 RBP4 levels in relation to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle in young healthy normal weight women. This study recruited 52 young healthy normal weight women. The results revealed that plasma adiponectin omentin 1 resistin and visfatin NAMPT apelin TNF 945 IL 6 and RBP 4 concentrations of these women were stable through their menstrual cycle while leptin and vaspin levels were notably higher in both the midcycle and the luteal phases than in the follicular phase. Furthermore changes in leptin and vaspin levels between follicular and luteal phases were strongly related to the alterations in total testosterone levels. The findings suggested that levels of adipokines remained stable during various phases of the physiological menstrual cycle except for leptin and vaspin which showed increased levels in both the midcycle and the luteal phases. It was stated that this effect was significantly associated with changes in the secretion of testosterone 17 OH progesterone and insulin in the luteal phase.

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