eWellness: Promotion of hygiene as important as deworming tablet


Dr KK Aggarwal    19 November 2018

Deworming agents can easily treat intestinal worms, but reinfection is common because of lack of adequate hygiene and sanitation to control re–exposure. Also, at times, the human body may not be capable of developing a protective response against re–infection by the intestinal worms.

The common intestinal worms are roundworms and hookworms. These are transmitted via contaminated soil. Worm infestations impair the physical growth of children and affect their mental development. They also cause anemia, diarrhea and pain in abdomen.

All the common worm infections in school–age children can be treated effectively with deworming agents such as albendazole, mebendazole, which can be given as a single tablet to all children.

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