Case Which Stunned Me in 2017!


Dr Vivek Tandon, New Delhi, Dr Sunil Bohra Bengaluru    19 December 2017

 echo, which showed wall motion abnormality in LAD territory, with mild MR. A cor triatriatum sinister was an incidental finding, with no obstruction to flow across the opening in the membrane in the LA. 3D echo demonstrated the membrane beautifully.

Key point: Unexpected findings on echo should not be ignored, and 3D echo can help in making the diagnosis.

Unusual presentations of common pathologies need to be looked at carefully.

Clinical data of the patient plays a very important role in interpreting the investigative data. While imaging on echocardiography, a careful search for the suspected pathology with all the available windows cannot be overemphasized. Proper follow-up needs emphasis.

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